Attractions around Cerreto Guidi
Explore 3 attractions, restaurants, shops around Cerreto Guidi
5.0 (142)
Wineria Aperitivino
Via della Liberta' 8, 50050 Cerreto Guidi Italy
4.5 (113)
Villa Medicea di Cerreto Guidi - World Heritage Site
Via dei Ponti Medicei, 7, 50050 Cerreto Guidi Italy
4.0 (14)
MuMeLoc - Museo della Memoria Locale
Piazza Dante Desideri, 50050 Cerreto Guidi Italy
MuMeLoc is a memorial museum where we do not preserve objects and memorabilia but offer stories, voices and pictures and use multimedia technologies to evoke traces of the past in the contours of the Tuscan landscape and in the mermories of its inhabitants. It is focused around one of the most dramatic events in local history: the Nazi-Fascist massacre og August 23rd 1944. The story of this event is accompanied by the history of the territory and its inhabitants. Hours: from tuesday to saturday 8,30 am - 1 pm. Wednesday: 3 pm -6 pm. SUMMER HOURS: From wednesday to friday 8,30 am - 1 pm. Saturday and sunday 3,30 pm - 7 pm. On saturday and sunday free guided tours in english.
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